Friday, May 15, 2015

Machu Picchu is reforested with Queuña trees

Reforestation is important to avoid soil erosion and other impacts of the nature, that is why more than 2000 hectares of the Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu have been reforested with the plantation of Queuña trees.

All this process of planting has been in charge to the National Service of Natural Protected Areas (SERNANP) and the foresters of the area. The project has already been executed, and it happened thanks to the support achieved by the management of Machu Picchu and the company of energy Electro Sur Este.

The reforestation initiative was created in order to protect the areas affected by the excessive shepherding and the forest fires in the area. This effort will allow a regeneration of the plant surface.

The aim of the project is to protect the biodiversity that makes Machu Picchu as one of the most important protected areas of Peru.

The work of reforestation was carried out in Toccopujio's community, to this labor the Huayllabamba's community joined by planting more trees.

The initiative includes an environmental education program, to raise awareness about the importance of protected natural areas, and the care of trees which is just begging to grow.

This program is being promoted also by the government, the people and the private sector.

Visit Machu Picchu and its surroundings with the next tours: