Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The first blind athlete that conquered Inca Trail

On past October 14, Dan Berlin from Colorado and his team of three guides (Brad Graff, Charles Scott and Alison Qualter Berna) set out at 4:30 a.m. to tackle the full distance. He completed it in 13 hours and is claiming to be the first blind runner to have done so. He has become the first visually impaired runner to have completed the entire Inca Trail in one day.
The Inca trail is the most famous trek in South America and draws visitors from around the world. Located in Peru, the Inca Trail spans 26 miles covering the infamous Machu Picchu and has an elevation gain of 14,000 feet It is also considered to be one of the most difficult marathons in the world. Those who run or hike it have to be prepared for steep climbs and loose footing from the rock. 
Berlin said that the beauty of his adventures has been the most memorable. “We live in such a visual world that it’s difficult for some people to understand the beauty of a space,” he said. “For me, the beauty is the feel of the place. It’s the people that we’re with, feeling the soft earth, the hard granite steps, the humidity in the air.”

Source: Runningmagazine.ca

For more information about Inca trail visit the next links: 

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