Friday, July 17, 2015

The Inca Trail is crossed by 500 people every day

The National Service of Natural Protected Areas (SERNANP) reported that around 500 people walk every day the Inca Trail towards Machu Picchu. According to Pedro Gamboa, Head of Sernanp, from this group only 200 are foreign people, the rest are porters that carry baggage’s and guides that help the visitors on the route towards Machu Picchu.
In this Inca trek the porters are the ones that carries the food, and supplies needed during the trek. They do not reach the citadel, only the tourists reach the final section of the trip to get to MachuPicchu.
According to the report, the age of the tourists are not an impediment for people that want to do the Inca Trail in spite of the physical effort that it requires. The route is through the Urubamba Valley, amidst beautiful natural scenery and Incan architectural remains.
The Sernamp is working so the protection rules include the whole course area so the natural area is not affected in any case. The measure includes the signposting and the maintenance of the road, sanitation facilities equipped with the latest technology ecological standards.

For more information about the Inca Trail and to have access to the diverse tours, you can enter to following link: Inca Trail